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The Social Power of Music - (4 CDs - VÖ: 22.02.2019 - Import USA)

Kampf & Protestlieder aus
Art.Nr.: SFW-00326
The Social Power of Music - (4 CDs - VÖ: 22.02.2019 - Import USA)
2 Wochen
59,90 € inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten.

Kampf & Protestlieder aus: Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Congo-Brazzaville, Denmark, Dominican Republic, France, Greece, Indonesia, Italy, Korea, South, Lebanon, Mexico, Nicaragua, Poland, Puerto Rico, Republic of Kosovo, Scotland, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam.

MUSIK hat die Kraft, Menschen zusammen zu bringen – Die soziale Kraft der Musik dokumentiert die lebhafte, leidenschaftliche und unzählige Art und Weise, in der Musik Menschengruppen bindet, anregt, erinnert und bewegt. Dieses 124-seitige Buch mit über 80 Tracks auf 4 CDs lädt Hörer zu musikalischen Praktiken, Episoden und Bewegungen in den USA und darüber hinaus ein.

Diese Lieder des Kampfes, der Hingabe, des Feierns und der Migration erinnern uns daran, dass Musik das Potenzial hat, unsere Welt zu verändern.


CD 1

01. We Shall Overcome The Freedom Singers
02. This Land is Your Land Woody Guthrie
03. De colores ([Made] of Colors) Baldemar Velásquez, Aguila Negra
04. Union Maid Bobbie McGee
05. If I Had a Hammer Pete Seeger
06. Reclaim the Night Peggy Seeger
07. Estoy aquí (I Am Here) Quetzal
08. Deportees (Plane Wreck at Los Gatos) Sammy Walker
09. We Are the Children Chris Kando Iijima, Joanne Nobuko Miyamoto, Charlie Chin
10. I Woke Up This Morning Fannie Lou Hamer
11. I Feel Like I’m Fixin’ to Die Country Joe McDonald
12. El pobre sigue sufriendo (The Poor Keep On Suffering) Andrés Jiménez
13. Ballad of the ERA Kristin Lems
14. Where Have All the Flowers Gone? Pete Seeger
15. Blowing in the Wind The New World Singers
16. Quihubo raza (What’s Happening, People) Agustín Lira and Alma
17. Solidarity Forever Joe Glazer
18. Joe Hill Paul Robeson
19. Joaquin Murrieta Rumel Fuentes
20. Which Side Are You On? The Almanac Singers
21. Legal/Illegal Ewan MacColl, Peggy Seeger
22. It Isn’t Nice Barbara Dane, The Chambers Brothers

CD 2

01. Amazing Grace The Old Regular Baptists
02. Come By Here Barbara Dane, The Chambers Brothers
03. Will the Circle Be Unbroken The Strange Creek Singers
04. Peace in the Valley The Paramount Singers
05. Many Eagle Set Sun Dance Song The Pembina Chippewa Singers
06. Zuni Rain Dance Members of Zuni Pueblo
07. Calvary Shape-note singers at Stewart’s Chapel
08. Northfield The Old Harp Singers of Eastern Tennessee
09. The Call to Prayer / Adhan Ahmad Al Alawi
10. Zikr (excerpt) Sheikh Xhemail Shehu, members of the Prizren Rifa’i tekke
11. Buddhist Chants and Prayers Tu Huyen, Hai Phat, Tam Thu, Hai Dat
12. Kol Nidre Cantor Abraham Brun
13. Dayeinu Raasche, Alan Mills
14. Night Chant Sandoval Begay
15. Hark, Hark Carolers from the Black Bull, Ecclesfield, UK
16. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot The Princely Players
17. The Old Rugged Cross The Paschall Brothers
18. Madre de Dolores (Mother of Sorrows) Hermanos de la Morada de Nuestra Señora de Dolores del Alto
19. San Miguel (Saint Michael) Francia Reyes
20. I’ll Fly Away Rose Maddox

CD 3

01. Party Down at the Blue Angel Club Clifton Chenier and His Red Hot Louisiana Band
02. San Antonio Rose Los Reyes de Albuquerque
03. Jolie blonde (Pretty Blonde) Austin Pitre
04. Shake Your Moneymaker John Littlejohn
05. Beer-Drinking Polka Flaco Jiménez, Max Baca
06. In Heaven There Is No Beer The Goose Island Ramblers
07. SAM (Get Down) Sam Brothers Five
08. Golden Slippers / The Butterfly Whirl Lester Bradley and Friends
09. Sligo Indians / Paddy Clancy’s / Larry Redican’s / The Rambling Pitchfork Tony DeMarco
10. La entrega de los novios (The Delivery of the Newlyweds) Lorenzo Martínez
11. Rock Dance Song (Cree/Metis) The Pembina Chippewa Singers
12. Pow Wow Song Chippewa Nation
13. Mary Mack Lilly’s Chapel School, Alabama
14. Johnny Cuckoo Janie Hunter and children at home
15. Rooster Call John Henry Mealing and group
16. Joy to the World Elizabeth Mitchell
17. Oylupnuv Obrutch (The Broken Hoop Song) The Golden Gate Gypsy Orchestra
18. Liberty Funeral March The Liberty Brass Band
19. Junkanoos #1 Key West Junkanoo Band
20. The Star Spangled Banner Unknown orchestra
21. Mardi Gras Medley (excerpt) ReBirth Jazz Band

CD 4

01. Viva la Quince Brigada (Long Live the 15th Brigade) Pete Seeger
02. Bella ciao (Goodbye Beautiful) Singers of the “Bella Ciao” production of Spoleto
03. A desalambrar (Tear Down the Fences) Expresión Joven
04. Muato mua N’Gola (Women of Angola) Lilly Tchiumba
05. Un gigante que despierta (An Awakening Giant) Luis Godoy, Grupo Mancotal
06. Hasret (Longing) Melike Demirag
07. Prisioneros somos (We Are All Prisoners) Suni Paz
08. Funeral do lavrador (Funeral of a Worker) Zelia Barbosa
09. Izakunyatheli Afrika Verwoerd (Africa is Going to Trample on You, Verwoerd) South African refugees in Tanganyika
10. The Boy with the Sunlit Smile Mikis Theodorakis
11. Hidup di Bui (Life in Jail) Gambang Kromong Slendang Betawi, Kwi Ap
12. Man and Buffalo (Kon Gap Kwai) Caravan
13. Why Need We Cry? Cantor Abraham Brun
14. El palomo (The Dove) Grupo Raíz
15. Hvem sidder dér bag skærmen (The Roadmaker) Inger Nielsen
16. Mon’ etu ua Kassule Musician supporters of the MPLA
17. Le temps des cerises (Cherry Blossom Time) Yves Montand
18. Chongsun Arirang Singer from Central Korea
19. The Passport Marcel Khalifé
20. Inno della Resistenza (Hymn of the Resistance) Choir of FLN fighters

Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen


Smithsonian Folkways Recordings
600 Maryland Ave., SW
Suite 2001
Washington DC 20024
United States

Aktueller Artikel The Social Power of Music - (4 CDs - VÖ: 22.02.2019 - Import USA) Various
The Social Power of Music - (4 CDs - VÖ: 22.02.2019 - Import USA)
Art.Nr.: SFW-00326  
Kampf & Protestlieder aus